THE jPod

Thursday, March 26


I’ve always enjoyed this time of year, maybe it’s because my day of birth marks the first day of spring. Or maybe it’s because the flowers are blooming and the birds are singing again. Or just maybe it’s the rebirth to life after a long winters nap. Anyhow, my birthday surly sets the mood for the thaw of winter.

3.21 My birthday. I’m just going to get straight to the point; it was one of the best birthdays I've had to date!!! All I wanted was to enjoy my day with Jeb. Whatever was to happen I just wanted to be in his company and we did just that, hung out all day together.

We woke up early… early enough for breakfast at my folks (mom was making my favorite, French toast with fresh strawberries). What a great way to start my day. I do have to say my parents spoiled me rotten; the very last thing I was expecting was the gorgeous Coach Hand Bag they’d gotten me. To be frank I never thought I’d own one. Then to top off the gift… like it wasn’t gift enough, there was a generous size box of Godiva dark chocolates. WOW. I’m still speechless… thank you Mom and Dad SO very much!!!

Then when I thought things couldn't get any better, I realized Jeb and I still had the whole day ahead of us. First on our list were pedicures. Yes I was able to talk Jeb into getting a pedi and we enjoyed it. Until later in the middle of the night... Jeb woke up with a burning sensation on his leg. Come to find out his right shin broke out in a rash (which he still has to date). Needless to say he’ll probably never go back with me for pedicures again.

After our pedicures we went back to the apartment to check the mail. I look forward to Cher’s birthday love every year. It had arrived and more chocolates for me (or my belly, how ever you look at it)!!!

We headed to the mall for a little shopping before seeing Duplicity and then ending the day with dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. We had both (on accident) left our phones at home, so when I finally reconnected with my cell I was able to listen to all my birthday wishes before calling it a night.

The fun didn’t end on Saturday; we got to celebrate all weekend long! Sunday the Brooks, Heupels and Andersons gathered for dinner and company to celebrate both Tj’s and my birthday. I wouldn’t want to share a birthday celebration with anyone else but T (no pressure, but T you really are a thoughtful gift giver)! More, more and more love. I want to also thank my good friends Annette and Robert!!! The Lathrop’s had us over for birthday dinner Monday night and… again a Godiva’s gift card ☺

So I feel kinda silly going on about my birthday, but these kinda birthdays do not happen often and I tell you 27 is starting off great (even if my mental state is all down hill from here… thanks Dad ;). Plus I hope everyone who may have sent me an email, FB comment, phone call and/or card knows how blessed I really felt this year on my anniversary of life!!!

Lesson learned; I have the most amazing family and friends and somehow I’ve made it clear to all of them how much I LOVE GODIVA DARK CHOCOLATE ☺

1 comment:

Annette said...

I'm so glad that you had a great birthday! It was fun having you and Jeb over. We need to do it again soon! Love ya!