THE jPod

Wednesday, November 5


These past three presidential elections that I’ve been apart of were tough for me. I haven’t ever felt that there has been a clear politician that truly represented me in what I stand for as an American citizen.

I grew up with a great conservative/strong family background and was also taught about diversity and different cultures.

I was taught to except people as individuals and respect them for whom they’re and not what I want them to be.

I was taught that I should have the right to choose (free agency) and I was also taught that whatever I choose there’d be consequences that I’d have to live with (whether they be go or bad).

I was taught to reach for nothing but the stars and to also share with someone whom maybe less fortunate then I.

I was taught to stand up for what I believe in and to not make judgment on others for I’m no better then they.

I was taught that if I had nothing nice to say to say nothing at all and at the same time I was taught to proudly speak my mind.

I saw myself PROUD of a friend whom was voting for the first time as an American citizen (even though we were for opposing candidates).

I saw a very divided country (as it has been for awhile).

I saw that the entertainment industry and media had played a HUGE part in electing Obama as our next president.

I saw that if you got your information from the “TV” (example: any of the NBC’s airings) or from the “AP” (example: the New York Times) you were getting very basis information. As the candidates were not held to the same standard (please don’t kid yourselves into thinking they were).

I saw America become very desperate for “change” and not clarifying what “change” is or what it means to them. What is this “change” everyone seeks and why is it made to believe that Obama is the only one that can bring “change”?

I saw myself time and time again keeping my mouth shut, as I didn’t want to offend anyone of my friends and/or afraid of being miss understood. Yet time and time again negative postings all over the Internet popped up, about candidates I have chosen to be the best at representing myself and protecting my beliefs as an American citizen.

I saw great propaganda on BOTH sides of the party lines and hope we all realize this great “change” everyone speaks of is a line handed to us on a silver platter.

I hope for the same as we all do, the best for my family and myself.

I hope that in this change to “spreading the wealth” we DON’T punish those whom worked hard for their money.
"Property is the fruit of is a positive good in the world. That some should be rich shows that others may become rich, and hence is just encouragement to industry and enterprise. Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another; but let him labor diligently and build one for himself, thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence when built." ~Abraham Lincoln

I hope that in this time of “peace” we don’t disarm our country.
"The right of the people to keep and bear ... arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country ..." ~James Madison

I hope that in this time to get “heath care to our citizens” we leave our doctors the right to practice privately.
"That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves." ~Thomas Jefferson

I hope that now we all have said our peace, we can come together and REALLY except one another for whom we are as individuals.

Do know, that I’m no stranger to change and I too want change (even though it wasn’t my party’s slogan).

I too want to see better education and health care.

I too want to see my children and future generations grow in a country that is tolerant of all individuals.

I too want my character NOT to be judged for having a difference in option.

I too want to see less bitterness, hate and blame. First and foremost... it hurts to hear citizens of America only declare their love for this country when their "ideal" president is in office. We should always be "proud to be an American"!!!

Cheers to Obama and I wish nothing but the best for his four years in office!


Carrie said...

Thank you for sharing from the heart. (even though you do quite a bit, I love it!) I share alot of what you and David wrote. I'm very curious to see where Obama takes us. The word "hope" is beeing used ALOT by ALOT of people. I hope it's for the better. If it gets any worse, it truely is the second coming! :)

Cher said...

Hey girl...thanks for sharing that:) I Know we all want good things for our country and for our families. Hopefully our current president lives up to that and takes our country to higher places. I love ya tons:)